Refund, Compensation & Cancellation Policy

Refund & Cancellation Policy
No Refund Policy: By booking and paying for services with Reliable Choice, you agree to a no refund policy for any reason and that all sales are final. You also agree that Reliable Choice has not made, nor makes any representations or warranties expressed or implied. We do not guarantee anyone will get a housing voucher, housing, or any specific outcome and that you still wish to proceed at your own risk.
No Compensation Policy: By booking and paying for services with Reliable Choice, you agree that we will not be liable for the cost of time, labor, milage, postage, documents cost, gifts, money orders , checks, legal cost or damages.
24 Hour Cancelation Policy: You may cancel your appointment within 24 hours of booking the appointment. To request a cancellation, please please write by email
Effective as of Jan 1st, 2024